Reverse Osmosis Water VS Electrolyzed Reduced Water


I’ve had a lot of questions and comments about RO (reverse osmosis) filters vs water ionizers.

They are not the same, not even close.



RO filters work by stripping out EVERYTHING from the water including the beneficial minerals we actually need.

What is left is what’s known as “dead water.”

Since it has no mineral content of it's own it actually strips minerals from the body causing acidity.

And, as we know, acidity is detrimental to our health.

ERW Water (electrolyzed reduced water) on the other hand uses electricity to literally split our tap water into mineral rich alkaline water to drink and acidic water for other uses (like cleaning your house and watering your plants).

This electrolysis process also makes the water rich in molecular hydrogen, which is one of the most potent antioxidants that our bodies LOVE (think scavenging free radicals).


So while RO (reverse osmosis) machines may make water “safe” or "clean" to drink, it’s far from beneficial.

It’s so empty of minerals that ERW water ionizers won’t even work with these reverse osmosis systems (!!)


And the purpose of a water ionizer isn’t to filter (although it also does that) but to create some of the best water on the planet to drink.

Plus many other uses. (75 or more!!)

There are other options than RO that can work with a water ionizer for a healthier home.

If you’d like to learn more about ERW vs RO search “reverse osmosis," there are many resources- here's one from the World Health Organization (WHO) - NCBI STUDY


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