Alkaline vs Alkalized Water: What is the Difference?


However, not all water is the same. For example, if you were to test the pH of your pool and determine that it was too acidic, you would add chemicals to raise the pH. Therefore the actual water, at the molecular level, has a lower than desired pH, which is then artificially remedied by the introducing chemicals and minerals. This is also the process by which commercially bottled “alkaline” water is brought up to an alkaline pH. However, it is important to note that overconsumption of the added chemicals and minerals can lead to undesireable, unintended consequences for your health.



Ionized, alkalized Kangen water, however, is different at the core. Through the process of electrolysis, the water molecules are reduced. This not only makes the water more hydrating to your cells (because the clusters are so small and readily available for uptake) but also creates water that is naturally higher in pH due to the electrical restructuring of the molecules. The great news is that Kangen water, which is considered an ERW, or electrolyzed reduced water, is naturally alkaline, without additional chemicals



I would absolutely love to help you get your hands on the healthiest water around! 


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***PLEASE NOTE*** This Content is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or symptoms you are feeling.